Best Classical Vocal Solo Album


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In 2019 I initiated the 40@40 Project, my personal mission to commission songs in support of the art song community. Pulling together the sparks of inspiration – making collaborative connections between the composers and poets in my life – has been one of the most fulfilling artistic endeavors of my life. These first twenty world-premiere song recordings, from composers and poets of diverse backgrounds and points of view are exceptional in their beauty, depth, quality, and range of emotional expression.
- Laura Strickling

1. Not Quite Stars
composed by Juhi Bansal
poetry by Julie Baber
2. Wind, Carry Me
composed by James Primosch
poetry by Susan Stewart
3. Prometheus's Monster
composed by Myron Silberstein
poetry by Karen Poppy
4. Thanks a Latte
composed by Lori Laitman
poetry by Caitlin Vincent
5. At Spring's End
composed by Tom Cipullo
poetry by Li Po (translated by Ezra Pound)
6. Saint
composed by Scott Wheeler
poetry by Jeffrey Harrison
7. E-mail to Odessa
composed by Dennis Tobenski
poetry by Elizabeth Seydel Morgan
8. Peony
composed by Ed Windels
poetry by C.L. O'Dell
9. This Ode is Mine
composed by Bess McCrary
poetry by Bess McCrary
10. Woman Walking
composed by Nell Shaw Cohen
poetry by Megan Cohen
11. anew
composed by Joseph Jones
poetry by Christina Ramirez
12. The Mother Who Died Too
composed by Eugenia Cheng
poetry by Edith M. Thomas
13. Sun of the Sleepless
composed by Felix Jarrar
poetry by Lord Byron
14. Let Us Remember Spring
composed by Andrea Clearfield
poetry by Charlotte Mew
15. Las palmeras
composed by Reinaldo Moya
poetry by Pamela Rahn Sánchez
16. The Solitary Reaper
composed by Evan Fein
poetry by William Wordsworth
17. My song is sung
composed by Jodi Goble
poetry by Yone Noguchi
18. Benediction
composed by Daron Hagen
poetry by Christina Ramirez
19. Two Old Crows
composed by Juliana Hall
poetry by Vachel Lindsay
20. Song of Solitude (Alone...)
composed by H. Leslie Adams
poetry by Nikos Valance
Art by Ali Haegele
©2024 Laura Strickling